How Exhaust Power Valves Improve Two-Stroke Performance.

Restore your lost engine power. All engines draw air into the cylinder for combustion and expel the spent gases through an exhaust system. Exhaust power valves improve two-stroke engine performance by managing exhaust-port timing to maintain optimal throttle response and power delivery at any engine speed. Power valve inserted in the right exhaust port. Why exhaust power valves matter. all exhaust ports increase air velocity, which translates into improved power and throttle response at low rpm. However, small ports cannot move enough air as engine speeds increase, leading to reduced high-rpm performance. In other words, a narrow exhaust port will be more powerful launching the machine from a stop but lack top-end power. Large exhaust ports create the opposite effect, reducing low-rpm air velocity, throttle response and power, but increasing top-end power. The crescent valve allows the exhaust port opening to maintain its shape. S pend more time riding. Discoloration and deposits...